First off, let me just go ahead clarify what “pimpin’ joy” is; Pimpin joy is the art of doing something nice for someone else in hopes that it will create a domino effect, so those who were pimped joy can go on to ‘pimp joy’ or spread goodness to others.

When I showed up to Tytanium Ideas on a Friday afternoon, I wasn’t prepared to have a not-so-normal day at the office. Theresa had won the PURE award and was given $500 to spend it how she chose- BUT, here’s the catch. She couldn’t spend it on herself or keep it! So, the team at Tytanium got into groups and the money was divided between everyone, leaving roughly $45 bucks a person and the option to pimp joy how we liked. Needless to say, I was ECSTATIC. With so many ideas running through our brains of how we could pimp joy to others, the possibilities were endless and everyone was hyped.
After much collaboration, Theresa, Haley, Becki, and I ventured over to Dutch Bros in Rocklin, because who doesn’t like coffee?! We handed the cashier a wad of cash and told her it was to purchase everyone’s beverages who came by until the money disappeared. It was SO much fun knowing we were making people’s days brighter by such a simple gesture. I was amazed by how grateful everyone was, too! For something as simple as purchasing a stranger’s coffee, their reactions made me feel like we were giving them an all-expense paid vacation to anywhere in the world. I swear, I’ve never seen so many beaming faces before.
Once the money was spent, we made our way over to Dave N Buster’s to meet up with the rest of the team to share our adventures. Everyone had similar experiences with the joy that was pimped and we all shared some laughs over appetizers and odd-looking margaritas.
We may have been the ones to pimp joy to others, but I strongly feel that in doing so, joy was pimped right back at me and the Tytanium team.