Thanks to our generous Theresa for introducing us to Pimpin Joy- the best event forever. It is always hard to decide who deserve the bonuses of the month when everyone is doing a great job. Pimpin Joy will be an excellent method for every company!

Flowers are the best for cheering people up. I was so excited about giving out flowers to random people. That day, Tanner and Justin brought me to Nugget for flowers, and then we went to Chipotle to buy Chipotle gift cards because we had plenty of money. When Tanner and Justin were passing out their gift cards to random people, I found that it was quite embarrassing for me holding flowers in Chipotle. So I told myself to find a target to give away my flowers. After a long consideration, I finally decided to give the flowers to the beautiful lady who was the cashier in Chipotle.
Pimpin Joy fundamentally benefits everyone. We had fun during the event, the people enjoyed our gifts, and our company got promoted a little bit after that. The most important part to me is I got a free burrito, and a free hug. Anyway, it was worth it!