We organize what we do around one simple, but lofty, mission; to improve lives with digital marketing. That means growing businesses, achieving goals, helping business owners live their dreams. And we know from experience that the best way to demonstrate that is with metrics that measure business growth. That means solid, reliable data that shows you how your business has grown by working with Tytanium.
Read on for a breakdown of why this mission and the metrics for success that measure it are so important.

We Are Rabid About Our Mission
Our Mission…
Our mission is to improve lives with digital marketing. That improvement is defined on a client-by-client basis. What would improve your life? What would take some of that stress of your plate or show you that your business is really, truly successful?
For some people, this is getting attendees for an important charity event. For other people, this means generating more leads so you bring in more revenue and see the stability you’ve been looking for. Whatever your goal is for your marketing, we want to help you hit it, and we want you to KNOW that you’ve hit it.
…Your Metrics
The only way to know that we’re achieving our mission is to demonstrate it with great data. By being able to provide you with metrics to measure your success by, we know we’re achieving our mission.
That’s why we’re so insistent on providing regular reports on how you’re achieving your goals. That involves reporting on form submissions, phone calls, clicks, page likes, whatever metric demonstrates best that your business is growing.
Our mission is the first item on our culture code because it’s central to everything we do. Every item on the list that follows this one helps us better serve that mission. We’re all about growing your business and making sure you’re able to see that growth.
“Rabid about our mission” is the first of thirteen points in the Tytanium culture code! Want to learn more about the rest? View them all here.