Wow! What a month December has been here at Tytanium Ideas! As we wrap up a whirlwind 2013, let’s check out some of the highlights of December… it was a doozie!
We started the month with the long-awaited move to our new digs! It took us a few weeks to get organized and painted, but we’re super stoked on the changes, and the new office has a great creative vibe that’s helping us deliver even better results to our clients than ever before. We’ll miss being right upstairs from El Portal, but it might be a blessing in disguise since we’re now right down the hall from California Ripped Fitness. #rippedupfor2014!
We were able to grab a couple of photos of the office move as well.
We got down to business and painted some greens and yellows in honor of our Oregon Ducks fanatic Tyler, which was a nice change from the burgundy that didn’t really suit us. Tyler’s dad built us an amaze-balls table that is sturdier than anything we could have bought in a store. Our computers are nestled all snug on the top, and we’re watching our coffee so we don’t spill a drop! Seriously…we’ve all been threatened with dismemberment.
Three new members joined our team this month, and we’re excited to welcome Jon, Dayo, and Debbie to the ranks. Jon is our amazing web development whiz, Dayo is kicking @$$ and taking names in engagement, and Debbie is working business development up in the Yuba Sutter region.
Then there was the company Christmas party. The team has grown so rapidly this year that when everyone brought their spouses and +1s we had a grand total of 16 of us! And we were even missing a few people! Add some wine and cocktails, and some crazy-silly smoked ribs to the mix and you can imagine the mayhem.
We’re gearing up for a wild 2014, and the theme of the year is excellence. So hang onto your hats and stay tuned…it’s gonna get CRAZY around here!