Wait, Did Someone Say Holiday Party Bottle Service?

When the Theme is “Fancy Pants…”

Let’s do things differently.

So I had an idea this past November. An idea to switch up this whole corporate holiday party topic. It’s a staple of the business world, and a great way to take a breath and celebrate the year. 

Seems like the month of December gets a bit packed when it comes to Christmas parties. Family get-togethers, closing out the year at work, business planning and the like.  

After asking some of our favorite clients, Randy and Lisa Peters, about what they did for their company party, we had to try it. 

Read on to find out… 

You want a recap? We’ll give you a recap…

The idea was to take some of the stress off of everyone and do a “New Year’s” holiday party verses trying to cram a Christmas Party into December along with all of the million other things that families have during the month.  We searched high and low for where to go, pulling search after search of “holiday places in Sacramento,” “party venues in Sacramento” and “places to hold a holiday party” until we finally found our place. 

ASR Resturant & Lounge in Roseville was the place for us. They totally took care of us and we had an awesome time. The appetizers were awesome, there was plenty of food and the drinks flowed. 

Ask Jen…

The venue was great for us as we had a banquet room, the place all to ourselves and after the festivities of awards and saying thank you, we were able to hit the dance floor. Epic.

Now, seeing me dance in fancy pants get up…  That’s a treat. 

We have a nice curated and dialed in Facebook album to click through if you want to. CLICK HERE

So why do it this way?  Simple really.

  • Everyone could make it. Not competing with the December get together cram
  • Prices to get a place and food were WAY better. (Harwinder…THANK YOU!)
  • Time to relax
  • It was more of a party rather than a Christmas formality (not that there’s anything wrong with that)

It seemed like I had more time to gather thoughts, work on a presentation and really think it through. This year we started an award that is near and dear to who we are. We handed out our PURE award. 

What is our PURE award?  You can read more about this award and what it means to us here

This year Ann received the award. Kinda cool when your team thinks you’re pretty selfless and service-minded. I know it means a lot to me.

Congrats Ann! 

A Deep Heartfelt Thank You. 

2015 was a great year.  With all of the normal ups and downs that a year brings in business, Lyndsey (AKA: Mrs. President) and I feel truly blessed to be able to work in this industry with some great people. Our team is strong and getting stronger. 

OK, so here is where the call to action would normally go…

But there isn’t one really. Just a simple thank you. 

A thank you to ALL of our clients for keeping us busy, paying us so that we can provide for our families, and allowing us to be creative and do what we do.  We love it.

Thank you to all of my team members for the work and effort that you put into your craft. Keep it up.

We’ve got high places to go! 

P.S. If you want to know the bottle service story. Just ask me.