Theresa 2020 FUEL Blog

I got to take one final FUEL day and it didn’t disappoint! 2020 was the roughest year of my life so when my boyfriend Kevin asked if I’d like to go to San Diego for a weekend in March it was an emphatic YES! And off we went!

It was amazing just to not be at home, but surprises awaited me! The first night we were there,  after taking a short pedicab ride to the pier, Kevin got down on one knee with the lights of San Diego behind me and asked me to marry him! “YES, times a million!” I think was my actual answer! 

Saturday started with HUGE donuts from Donut Bar and then we were off to enjoy beer for the afternoon at Pure Brewing and Fall Brewing Company, followed by dinner with an old friend. Sunday we grabbed brunch, walked the pier, and then headed home on cloud nine! The weekend was the perfect getaway that we both needed to put some wind back in our sails.

San Diego Collage

When I came to Tytanium my marriage was in shambles and I was on the brink of becoming a single mother although no one really knew that except for me at the time. I had to find a way to feed my family, provide for our basic needs, and Tytanium became the life raft that I desperately needed. The comfort and security of having a steady paycheck for the last 8 years has been something I have never taken for granted and am ridiculously thankful for. 

Thank you for taking a chance on a smart girl with no marketing or business experience but who was ready to learn and do the hard work!

Over the last 8 years, I have made friends with coworkers and clients that have been life-changing and life-saving. You all have helped me through some of the most difficult moments of my life, celebrated some of the best that life has had to offer, and taught me a lot of important life lessons. The memories we have created I will treasure forever! Your support, thoughts, prayers, and help have been a blessing to me and my family more than you will know.

It’s a full-circle moment to end my time here at Tytanium to grow in my career as an engaged woman on the brink of a very bright future. From a scared single mom with no marketing experience to a confident, resilient woman ready to grow a brand. Tytanium, you have helped me grow and I thank you for everything as I spread my wings and fly. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!