With fuel prices at record highs over the last few months, it is surprising that our boss still gives every team member a Fuel Day for their work anniversary. But I guess, since he is not giving us actual gasoline, it works.
If he is not giving us gasoline, you may be wondering what a Fuel Day is. A Fuel Day is a time given to each team member of Tytanium after a year of service. It is a time to refuel your soul and recharge. When it is time for your Fuel Day, you take a paid day off and receive an allotted sum of money to do whatever you want with it.
Joelle’s Fuel Day
Hume Lake is my favorite place in the whole world. I have traveled many places (yes, I have been out of California, yes, I have been out of the country), but Hume Lake Christian Camp is still my favorite place I have ever been. There are many reasons I chose to spend my Fuel time at Hume Lake.
No Service
Hume Lake is nestled between Kings Canyon National Park and Sequoia National Park. With its remote location comes much-needed seclusion. It is not that there is spotty service; there is no service at all. This leads to a time to disconnect from the crazy world we live in.
Lake Time
My husband and I spent my Fuel money on paddle boards. This was a way to spend our Fuel at Hume and let the fuel keep coming as the years go on.
The lake allowed for a time of relaxation on and off the water. We took the paddle boards out on the lakes and soaked up the mountain sun. My parents also brought their paddle boards, allowing us to go out and enjoy the lake altogether. Also, I read a whole book in under two days; I have not done that in years. It was a great time to relax and unplug.
Family Time
My family all loves Hume Lake. We grew up going to camp there, I spent several summers working there, I met my husband there, and now my sister is working there. Taking the time to spend a few days up at Hume allowed me to spend time with my family, who I don’t get to see often. We paddle boarded, hiked, made great food, and experienced the wonders of camp life.
One of my favorite things at Hume Lake is going to the Snack Shop known as Snackie with family and friends. They have the BEST milkshakes, so thick you have to eat them with a spoon. Not to mention, their fries have delicious seasoned salt that I always ask for extra of. We will all grab our food, take a seat, and look out at the lake.
Coming Home Fueled
Getting a paid day off to spend time at my favorite place with my family is something most of my friends wish their company did. Not only getting the paid day off but getting money to spend on that day, is an amazing opportunity.
Working at a company that values a work-life balance is so important! Being given opportunities to refuel and recharge not only helps your personal life but your work life. I returned to Tytanium feeling appreciated for the work I had put in the past year and was ready to tackle the next year.