How to Start a Blog That Doesn’t Suck
Do you remember the last blog you read? Did it answer a question (Are unicorns real)? Was it entertaining (Buzzfeed’s 21 Photos Guaranteed to make you laugh)? Did it give you additional resources to explore your topic further? With the many, many blogs out there in the blogosphere, you want yours to be seen above all the rest. Well, with some of these helpful tips you will be well on your way to either sharing the best chocolate chip recipe that money can’t buy (unless it’s like, Warren Buffett money) or informing like-minded readers about a topic most relevant to you and them. So here’s how to start a blog that doesn’t suck. Otherwise, people might react this way:
1. Know Your Audience
Who are you speaking to and is your content interesting to that niche? Buyer personas is a term that you may or may not be familiar with. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customer based on real data and some educated guesses. A persona helps you identify your prospective customers and clients and get into their heads. Before you put pen to paper, do a little bit of research on your audience and sketch out a persona to figure out what they want to learn from you.
2. Let’s Talk Topics
Unless this blog is completely for your own amusement, you might actually want some people to read it. We did some research and found that the Top 5 things that grab the reader’s attention tends to be topics like: re-living a special moment, solving a problem, entertainment (Because who doesn’t love that?) or reaching a goal.
3. Doodle Awesome Idea Bubbles and then Start WRITING!
We hope you knew this was coming. Now that you have a million idea bubbles or a decent outline you gotta write, write some more, stare at the ceiling for inspiration and then write some more. Write about what you know, what you’ve researched or recently discussed.
4. Capture Your Audience (This is Figurative)
Every great trailer has you on the edge of your seat and begging for more, and that’s typically where you want your reader to be when it comes to your intro and opening lines. We’re reading a lot these days and you need to hold their attention. Inform them about an interesting fact, say something funny or describe something to which they can relate.
5. Edit
Pull out your eraser and red pen, this may get ugly. Editing can actually be a cathartic experience. Maybe shedding the weight of one or two paragraphs that didn’t tie into your message. Don’t be afraid to re-read your content. If you’re fearful, use the buddy system and have a friend or coworker look over your draft for suggestions and ideas. Don’t forget to run your content through the good ol’ spell checker and don’t forget formatting.
6. Direct Your Audience with a CTA (Call-To-Action)
So, you wrote some really great stuff, but what is the reader supposed to do now? As stated in the Blogging Bible* you want to suggest to your reader what to do next. These CTA’s can produce a lead or turn into another valuable resource for your reader, making you the expert.
7. Optimizing for SEO (Singling Everyone Out)
If you’re not familiar with the word “optimizing” or what SEO is, we suggest you read “Blog SEO for the Modern Marketer: How to Optimize Your Posts” Don’t rearrange your content or style to accommodate keywords. Google’s algorithm is forever changing (it even has Stephen Hawking frustrated) so focus instead on those few key phrases and topics that best relate to your company.
8. Distribute it
Time to step on your soapbox, gather the masses and start spreading the word. Your multiple social media accounts are a great place to start amplifying your message. Start with your already built-in audience from your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat bases. Keyword specific and meta descriptions can only be described as helpful.
9. Analyze it
There are multiple analytical tools out there to help you see such things as your web traffic, conversion rates and more. If you’re serious about driving more traffic to your site, then consider these tips [analytic that isn’t Hubspot] on tracking your visitors for a more in-depth look at who is seeing your content, when and how often.
Want more tips?
For more, a more in-depth look into types of blogging, check out Hubspot’s free download of blog post templates to help you learn how to write different types of blogs to fit your type of industry or audience. I hope you enjoyed this article and if you would like to turn this into a second date and get to know me and Tytanium Ideas a little better, click to contact us below. Happy Blogging!