I’m a self-proclaimed nerd, and love playing games and telling stories. The perfect combination of all of these things turned out to be D&D! Attending a Dungeons & Dragons live podcast was a great way to refuel my creative brain!

What is Dungeons and Dragons anyway?
Dungeons and Dragons is a roleplaying game that has been played for decades. It’s built upon a world of lore and rules that help you create characters from imagination, or random chance! Then you take those characters with the help of a storyteller called the Dungeon Master, and work together to craft a story that you tell and experience as a group. It involves intense vulnerability with the people you play with, creativity in character development and throughout the story, as well as encouraging improvisation and acting.
An Introductory Push – The Adventure Zone Podcast
The Adventure Zone, to make a literal long story short, is a fun story surrounded by an encouraging community. Three brothers and their dad play D&D together, and together they created a story that wove through adventures and heartache and mystery and saving the world! (You know, the best kind of stuff.) This story was so inspirational in so many ways. It encouraged me and my group of friends to put together our own game of Dungeons and Dragons, which we still play! It’s challenging, inspiring, and fun to gather with friends regularly and create a story as a group.
OK, but what does this have to do with Tytanium?

It was ReFUELing! (Get it?!) For our excursion, we got tickets to see a Live Show of The Adventure Zone. Yeah, a podcast, about playing a tabletop game, was played in person on a stage. Crazy times we live in! We explored San Francisco and the East Bay on our trip, and enjoyed something we love with a community of other people who love it as well.
As a whole, being creative and expressive in my free time lets me exercise my mind, connected to a creative group of great people, and keeps me more creative in my clients’ work! Plus, if you ever want to chat about D20s or the best class in 5E, (Paladin, obviously!) now you won’t be afraid to nerd out with me!