You need your online advertising to be about more than just the number of likes or clicks. With Tytanium, your digital ads will be created with your long and short-term marketing goals in mind to produce real ROI.
If you’re looking to drive traffic to your website, online advertising with Google Ads can be invaluable. Google ads will earn you clicks from a carefully targeted audience, which means more eyes on your copy and a better chance of turning those eyes into leads and paying customers.
For example, the Google Ads campaign we ran for our client RN Guardian earned them a 62% increase in their click-through rate, from 1.01% to 1.64% (well above their industry average!)


A good social media marketing strategy can bolster your organic traffic and help you share your brand with your waiting customers. However, if you want to legitimately increase the number of people engaging with your page and your content, there’s no better tool than Facebook Ads.